2019 Apartment Rental Market Outlook

The home and apartment rental market in 2019 is promising, and living space is in high demand. Two very different generations are now choosing to rent rather than own. First, there are millennials, who want to rent and spend their money on lifestyle experiences rather than on mortgage payments. Then, there are the baby boomers,…

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Reasons to Live in Orrville Ohio Redwood Living Apartments For Rent

5 Reasons to Live in Orrville Ohio

Orrville is becoming one of the most popular places to live in the state of Ohio. Located just 20 miles southwest of Akron and 9 miles east of Wooster, Orrville is a top choice for many people who commute daily. This area of Ohio has beautiful rolling hills, scenic views, and numerous parks and recreational…

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couch surfing is cool

Apartment Space Saving Tips

Does your single story space feel cluttered? Check out these 10 apartment space saving tips for small spaces and create your ideal home. 10 Single Story Apartment Space Saving Tips Apartments come in all shapes and sizes. But, if you are feeling cramped in your single-story apartment, you need to be creative. Here are ten…

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declutter closets - how to guide

Best Ways to Declutter Closets

No one likes to have to declutter closets on their days off. But when you’re moving, you don’t want to have to box-up and unbox a bunch of stuff you don’t really want or need. But, for many people, the thought of decluttering their closet is overwhelming. There are some inexpensive ways you can make…

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Redwood Union Township Patio

How to Create an Apartment Patio Vegetable Garden

If you’ve always been good with your hands and love gardening, you MUST try growing your own apartment patio vegetable garden. Growing fresh vegetables gives you the satisfaction of growing your own food, knowing where your vegetables come from and you can eat them fresh without losing their vital nutrients. Apartment living doesn’t really encourage…

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Dinner party step-by-step guide

Dinner Party Guide – Step-By-Step

Are thinking about hosting some friends over for a meal? This dinner party step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire planning process. Once you have a solid plan for your dinner party, the rest is easy. Create the Guest List Start by creating the guest list. How big of a party do you want…

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best outdoor apartment rental amenities

Rent vs Buy – Condo, Home, or Apartment?

Rent vs Buy?….. It’s a HUGE question to ask yourself. But if you’re thinking of moving into your own living space, you’ve got a lot of options. Here’s a couple of ways to find out which one actually makes sense for where you’re at in your life. Rent vs Buy… Should I lease a condo,…

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redwood living apartment amenities list

Most Underrated Apartment Amenities 2018

It’s hard to believe but some people overlook or underrate certain apartment amenities when searching for their next perfect living space. So if you’re ready to secure a new apartment rental, check out our hot list of underrated apartment rental complex amenities for 2018. 1. Community Amenity: Package Lockers Most of us are probably still…

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Redwood Living Neighborhood Community Culture

Neighborhood Community Power and Culture

How to discover new friends and feel welcomed into your new neighborhood community when you’re ready to move into a new apartment home. The Power of Community & Culture in Your Neighborhood Moving out and finding your own place to live for the first time in your life is going to bring with it a…

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moving costs apartment rental

What Are Moving Costs For An Apartment?

Discover your moving costs when you’re ready to live in an apartment rental neighborhood with a new private space to call your own? So…  How Much Does It Cost to Move into an Apartment? Life is full of taking some big, first steps in order to grow. And few things are quite as big as…

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Redwood Living Apartment Home Rental Resource Blog

Comprehensive Moving Packing Checklist

When you want to move in and out on time, and on schedule here’s your step-by-step moving packing checklist with a timeline. The Best Moving Packing Checklist Getting ready to move to a new home, especially if you’re going to college or finally leaving it after graduation, is not something that should be done on…

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7 move out tips for college grads

7 Move Out Tips for College Grads

Ready for your first post-college apartment rental? Here are 7 move-out tips designed to help you easily transition from student to working professional. Move Out Tips for College Grads Graduating from college is another significant milestone, so congratulations! Real-life begins now. And one of the things that you’re likely to do, as school is drawing…

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4 reasons apartment rental vs. condo

4 Reasons to Rent an Apartment Vs. a Condo

Most people, when they live on their own for the first time, will rent their first living space. Apartments are a popular choice, and condos are also available for rent, but what’s the difference? Apartments vs. Condo… Is one better than the other? The Apartment Apartments are made, from the ground up, to be rented.…

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