Redwood Living Neighborhood Community Culture

Neighborhood Community Power and Culture

How to discover new friends and feel welcomed into your new neighborhood community when you’re ready to move into a new apartment home.

The Power of Community & Culture in Your Neighborhood

Moving out and finding your own place to live for the first time in your life is going to bring with it a lot of firsts. You’re going to have to manage your own money, take care of your own living space, and, unless you’re very lucky, you’re going to have to make a lot of new friends.

You’re now part of a new neighborhood community, perhaps even an apartment community. As lonely and as uncertain as that may feel in the beginning, this is also a new opportunity for you.

Expand Your Social Media

We live in a world where if it wasn’t posted on Instagram with photos or tweeted out on Twitter, it almost didn’t happen. One of the fastest ways to find out what’s going on in your new apartment neighborhood community is to get familiar with the hashtags that locals are using, and then start scoping these things out.

You’ll quickly find out which places people are praising or the issues that people in the neighborhood are concerned about. It’s the digital equivalent of going to the town square and simply listening in to find the voice and pulse of the people.

Visit Local Neighborhood Landmarks

An apartment community and the neighborhood it’s located in will have its fair share of landmarks. That isn’t strictly in the sense of statues, parks, or areas of historical interest. If the people in your apartment complex visit the clubhouse a lot, go there. If there’s a café, restaurant, or bookstore that hosts a lot of events, you should check it out.

The places that people go, the navigational touchstones where people meet, interact, and return to again and again, should be some of your first stopping points.

The faster you get to know these neighborhood spots, the quicker you’ll become a regular and a local.

Attend Neighborhood Community Events

neighborhood community culture powerWhether it’s happening right within your apartment community or it’s something happening in the neighborhood itself, when you hear about local events, you should take the time to attend.

That is the best way to see your local area in action and meet a lot of people from all walks of life.

If you want something more specific, you can also attend more specialized events. If you’re a fan of fiction and a local bookstore is launching a local author, visit and meet other book lovers. If you’re more about food and a local food festival comes up, meet other fellow foodies. Everything is just a Google search away 😉

Volunteer in your Community

If you really want to boost your good karma while engaging in your community, then volunteering is probably one of the best ways to accomplish both goals. Take your biggest interests, such as a love of animals and volunteer in an animal shelter or fostering program.

If you were a member of a religious group or volunteer organization back home, see if there’s more of the same available here. Meeting people while engaging in good causes is a great way to become and feel like a valued community member.

Want to learn more about maximizing apartment community living? Read more here.

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