New Apartment Renters: 5 Activities that Turn Neighbors into Friends
Moving into a new apartment can be exciting, but there’s always a couple of reasons to be nervous. Will you like your new neighbors? Will they like you? The good news is, there are so many fun and unique ways to build relationships when you move into your new apartment or apartment rental home.
When it comes to our residents at Redwood neighborhoods, we dedicate time, focus, and energy on building resident communities through social and appreciation events.
So if it’s time to make friends and meet your new community, here are five easy activities to get you started.
Host a Party
Perhaps the most obvious answer to how to turn neighbors into friends is hosting a party. In any brand-new apartment home, the best excuse for a party is housewarming. Naturally you’ll invite friends and family to see your shiny new digs, but don’t forget to extend the invitation to your new neighbors as well.
But what’s the right timing for a housewarming party? We say, ‘the moment you’ve organized your space just the way you like it.” There’s no reason to wait. Pending budget and schedule, if you’ve got your décor ready to go and place for people to sit and mingle, a party is an excellent way to break in some of those modern appliances and either new or newly repositioned furniture.
At Redwood apartment rental home neighborhoods, our open floor plans make entertaining a cinch. There’s room for plenty and you can see all your guests no matter which room you’re currently chatting in.
Visit and Gift
Usually, new neighbors are the ones receiving social calls and welcome gifts. However, you can get this ball rolling yourself by paying a few visits of your own. Nobody can say no to baked goods, whether you bake a favorite cookie recipe, a pie, or mini muffins, your impromptu visit is sure to go a long way toward cementing your place as the best baker on the block.
Taking the initiative to introduce yourself around goes a long way. You’re sure to be remembered next time your neighbor plans a dinner party or birthday bash, and it shines a positive light on your outgoing social skills.
Feeling a bit shy about making the first move? Make yourself a list of icebreakers before heading out to knock on the door one house over. Great general topics include commenting on your neighbor’s garden, a community event flyer you saw earlier that day or inviting them over for coffee next week.
Leave a Personal Note
Not everybody is home all day, which makes it tough to meet everybody on the block. However, if there’s one thing everybody loves, it’s receiving correspondence, and so few of us take the time to write anymore. Whether on friendly-looking stationary or plain white paper, leave your neighbor a note introducing yourself and offering a method of contact, be it e-mail or telephone. Suggest tea or coffee or invite them to join you on your back patio next time they see you outside sipping sweet tea in your garden.
If leaving a personal note for each neighbor feels a bit much, you can leave a single community introduction at the main office or with your neighborhood or property concierge. This is also a great way to spread the word of your upcoming housewarming party (wink).
Trying to think of other reasons to invite neighbors by? Check out our unique entertainment guide for extra suggestions.
Spend Time Outside and Say hello
Not every social encounter has to be initiated by a knock on the door or a note in the mailbox. You can get to know your neighbors simply by making yourself visible. Puttering around in your front doorstep, reading in the sunshine, or tending to some flower baskets around your patio areas are all great ways to get outside and catch neighbors as they’re moving around in their front and backyards.
If you have a pet you’ve got even better chances of running into people casually on the go. Walking your dog around the block is a sure way to meet other neighbors who have pets and create an instant bond over something in common. After a few casual meetups, you can suggest getting together to walk pets once or twice a day. It’s always more fun with company.
Start a Social Group
When you really want to turn neighbors into friends, look no further than the creation of a social group. There are so many great reasons to get together, break the ice, and get to know one another better. One of the most popular ways to form a social group is to start a book club. For this activity, 4-6 people get together biweekly to discuss a book chosen by the group. Everybody reads the book on their own and comes together to discuss. You can add meetings to go over important plot points and ensure everybody is reading at the same pace.
Some other options for group social experiences include:
- Bridge night
- Board game night
- Walking club
- Running group
- Pet socialization group
- Grandparent and grandkids gatherings
- Exercise class
- Paint class
- Potter class
Creating a weekly, biweekly, or monthly get together ensures you always have something to do and your relationships with your neighbors get stronger every time you meet. It’s one of the more natural ways to develop real and lasting friendships.
Looking for more ideas to get active socially? Don’t hesitate to ask your neighborhood apartment concierge for suggestions! As part of our company culture, at Redwood we believe that even if you live in an apartment rental home, you can still build long-lasting friendships and strong neighborly bonds.
About Redwood Apartment Neighborhoods
Redwood apartments are fully equipped to handle all your favorite social activities. From a fully equipped kitchen with modern stainless-steel appliances, to the open concept living areas great for entertaining. You can even take the party outside on your personal patio or deck and enjoy a backyard barbeque with your favorite crew. So, whether you’re planning new party recipes or curating the perfect holiday menu, we’ve got you covered.
If these activities have you considering a new place to call home, we can help. Find your perfect Redwood Apartment Rental Home neighborhood here.