
What You Need to Know About Apartment Living During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Just like everyone else, Redwood is actively monitoring the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We don’t want to be the source of undue alarm, but we do want to make sure we communicate our efforts to maintain the highest levels of health and safety possible for our valued residents, as well as for our employees and other stakeholders.

What Redwood is Doing
We are not health care professionals, which is why Redwood is following, and will continue to follow, guidelines from the National Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and local public health agencies. Additionally, we have come together with other leaders of the multifamily industry to share knowledge and strategy for dealing with COVID-19, which has informed our next steps.

Redwood’s Chief People and Operations Officer, Kate Vizmeg, states, “Our company will be doing our part to practice social distancing at every level. Starting today, all corporate staff will be working remotely, using technology to maintain the cross-functional work they do on a daily basis. We have suspended all international business travel, and domestic business travel for corporate employees is limited to travel related to essential business needs. All on-site teams will still report to work, but there will be a no-contact policy with residents and prospects, as much as possible. Neighborhood offices will be locked, and prospect tours will only happen via video chat. Service Technicians will only complete emergency work orders, and we will offer a more flexible work hours structure to help accommodate our neighborhood staff with childcare issues.”

Redwood will continue to monitor all developments relating to COVID-19, and we will adjust our policies according to the guidance of the CDC, local public health agencies, and the government.

Where to Get Information About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
For your own health and safety, we suggest you visit the resources section of the CDC website dedicated to the COVID-19 outbreak. You can find resources, like this fact sheet, at

Share Facts about COVID-19 from CDC
For more information, head to

Tips & Tricks for Staying Healthy

The CDC has published many resources related to COVID-19, and these are a few we find very helpful, especially when living in an apartment neighborhood.

Stop the spread of germs CDC
One of the best things to do is just keep washing your hands.
What to do if sick with coronavirus CDC
If you’re diagnosed with Coronavirus, please follow these steps.


  1. Treasa on March 28, 2020 at 11:43 pm

    Are you having any move in specials in April at Redwood

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